A Little about me

Welcome! I’m Karen!

Crafting always brought me joy since I was a little girl. I would let my imagination fly! Do you remember getting your first cans of Play-Doh, remember the smell of opening a fresh can??? Oh, man, does that bring back memories. Though I would still love playing with Play-Doh, I now love to create with paper and my laptop!

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Just getting started with Digital Scrapbooking? Are you new to Artisan?

I was so intimidated when I started Artisan, enough that I didn’t touch it for years. I thought to myself that my PSE was so much simpler, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Let me show you how by setting up some one on one time and I will walk you through a simple scrapbook page! Reach out to set up an appointment; virtual is always an option!